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  1. Consul1.9.0+ent-beta1; consul1.9.0-beta1; consul1.8.4; consul1.8.4+ent; consul1.8.3+ent; consul1.8.3; consul1.8.2+ent; consul1.8.2; consul1.8.1; consul1.8.1+ent.
  2. The latest version of Squidoo is 1.0 on Mac Informer. It is a perfect match for the Audio & Video category. The app is developed by Americo Trading, Inc.

October 6, 2014

Are Squidoo And HubPages Still Worth It?

Dec 16, 2010 Part II: Promoting a Squidoo lens. I am writing this post for the world's toughest SEO community, so I won't describe the well known ways of promoting something on the web. Build links, use Social Media, send e-mails etc. Speaking of Squidoo specific promotions, there are some tips that I'd like to share: Write your Bio & upload photo.

By Julia McCoy in Affiliate MarketingArticle MarketingWriting/Content

Image courtesy of (ddpavumba)/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The content world has been monitoring the steady decline in quality of Squidoo and HubPages since 2012. Back then, the query revolved around these two, and all the rage was which one was the better choice. But today, both platforms are giving every indication of going out the door and off the SEO table. But is this really the case? Can platforms like Squidoo and HubPages still be useful, and if so, how?

The Squidoo vs. HubPages Debate

Squidoo is a “community website platform.” Created in 2005, it allows its users to create pages (referred to as “lenses”) to sell products for profit or charity. As of October 2010, approximately 1.5 million “lenses” were in existence.

Wikipedia defines HubPages as a “user generated content [and] revenue-sharing website.” It was initially launched in 2006. As of December 2013, the site encompassed approximately 910,106 “hubs,” which are magazine-style articles covering specific topics that are user created and published. Nearly 74,000 users and 2.5 million forum posts were recorded in 2013.

According to GreekGeek, the debate surrounding which platform offers more value or benefit boils down to a battle of impressions versus interaction. Since 2007, it’s been a fairly hot topic — numerous users of both platforms attempted to compare notes, run content on both sites, and discover which of the two held an advantage and why. At the end of the day, HubPages seemed to be more about content while Squidoo felt more like a sales pitch. Comparing the two was difficult. In 2014, the scene has changed notably.

In a recent report by Matt Southern of SearchEngineJournal, the announcement was made that Squidoo is moving its content over to HubPages. Gossip slots no deposit bonus. Why the move? HubPages has successfully acquired Seth Godin’s content platform.

Both platforms support content publishing, and they’ve both been labeled as “Web 2.0” sites. The unfortunate truth is that such sites are prone to abuse. As a result, both platforms have had unpleasant run-ins with Google’s Panda in the past. Rayman 3 crack download free.

Southern reports that, according to Godin, the acquisition will lead to “a stronger, more efficient, [and] more generous way to share great stuff online.” Over the coming weeks, traffic to Squidoo will be redirected to relevant HubPages, and transferring content between the platforms is said to be easy and primarily automatic. Squidoo pages are projected to no long be accessible by early this month.

The Controversial Acquisition

HubPages’ acquisition and subsequent transfer of content has sparked some controversy. Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land poses the question of if it’s simply a transfer of content from one Google Panda victim to the next? After all, both platforms were hit hard by the Panda algorithm back in 2011. And although Squidoo is reportedly moving only “the best” of its content, the question of if HubPages is worthy of use is still relevant.

The Facts about HubPages

Just last year a SlideShare review of HubPages was posted. The review tackled two of the most relevant questions: Monologue 1 0 – quick and easy notes worksheets.

1. Does the platform provide the opportunity to earn an income online?
2. Should you use HubPages, Squidoo, or build your own website?
HubPages is built around the idea that content is part of marketing, which at face value is a solid plan. After all, content is the backbone of SEO these days. However, how you craft and implement that content is just as important as the who, what, when, where, and why of your copy. According to the SlideShare, the five steps to successfully leveraging the HubPages platform include:

1. Starting with a plan which, basically, is your niche.
2. Writing high-quality articles of approximately 1,000 words each.
3. Inserting some pictures and videos.
4. Picking the right keywords all of the time.
5. Publishing hubs in the same niche and inter-linking them.

Keep in mind that this platform is NOT for clickbank affiliate marketing, competitive markets, copied (let’s just call it what it is: plagiarized) content, or spun articles.
A quick review of HubPages official website can give you a fairly good picture of the advantages and disadvantages to leveraging this content platform. Here’s what our trained eye noted:

• Advantage 1: It’s free. People are attracted to this platform because it’s free. You can publish your content and engage in a bit of advertising (so long as it follows the rules) at no out of pocket cost. Moreover, you don’t have to spend money to make money (apparently).

• Advantage 2: It presents an opportunity to earn. Platforms like HubPages (and previously Squidoo) advertise the opportunity to use their site as a chance or opportunity to earn money. It doesn’t matter what your purpose is, it just matters that you join. What they don’t tell you is that you’ll have to work very hard to make money via the “opportunity” they’re handing you.

• Advantage 3: It’s easy to manage. Setting up and managing a hub is easy. In fact, it’s so easy that they say anybody can do it. They advertise themselves as easily accessible by everyone, and no skills or understanding of anything is needed.

• Advantage 4: It’s easy to register. The registration process isn’t complex, and it will not take a lot of your time. You’ll be up and running in no time flat.

• Disadvantage 1: Earnings are percent based. One of the most talked about cons of this platform is the percent based earning system, which (at last report) is set at a 60/40 split. You will only receive 60 percent of the amount you acquire via online moneymaking methods. It sounds a lot like affiliate marketing, doesn’t it? Let’s put this disadvantage into perspective. Say you had expected earnings of $1,500. After the split, you would receive $900 and lose $600 to HubPages. That’s a sizeable chunk of change lost to a “free” opportunity to make money, and that 40 percent chunk is going to come out every single time.

• Disadvantage 2: There’s no assurance. The primary use of HubPages is to publish written articles of about 1,000 words each. With that in mind, how long does it take you to write a 1,000-word piece? If you can’t write well and decide to hire a writer, you’re looking at a new expense to subtract from the $900 profit you’re set to earn. A quality writer, one that will help and not harm your reputation, isn’t going to come cheap. And to top off the conundrum you’re staring down the barrel of, HubPages doesn’t offer any type of assurance. What does that mean? It means there is absolutely no guarantee that the site will be up for very long. Imagine investing the time in writing your content or PAYING someone to write it for you, and suddenly, out of nowhere, it’s all gone! It’s a horrifying thought, isn’t it?

• Disadvantage 3: Advertising opportunities are limited. Your ability to advertise is limited, and you are bound by the rules set forth by the platform. There’s no true ability to think outside of the box and engage in tailored advertising campaigns. In short, it’s not a platform that lends itself to growth.

• Disadvantage 4: It takes time. Managing your page will take a solid time investment. Set-up is the easy part. Creating and publishing those articles and engaging in the limited advertising opportunities will require a substantial commitment of time—more so than usual if only to recoup the 40 percent loss in profit by increasing your overall earnings. Then again, can you really recoup when you’re putting in double or triple the effort and still bound by that 60/40 percentage split? It just doesn’t make good business sense, at least not for the serious minded businessperson.

The majority of the information about this platform’s unsavory run-in with the Google Panda is dated prior to the 4.0 update. Interestingly, we can’t find any credible information reflecting any positive run-ins since the update. We can only speculate that since the platform is a figurate breeding ground for thin content, it likely hasn’t improved dramatically. However, the update is still relatively recent and improvements may not be seen for a few months.

Our Conclusion: You could consider HubPages to be a content publishing platform with the perks of an online community, but the overall gist reads an awful lot like affiliate marketing jargon. Download windows 8 1 operating system 64 bit. If you’re reading this, we’re betting you’re interested in establishing and/or growing a strong online presence to promote your business and generate leads. Your ultimate goal is to create conversion. Instead of investing your precious time into a platform that’s had unpleasant run-ins with Google, why not invest more wisely? And this leads us to our hard-hitting recommendation:

Don’t Contribute to the Crappy Content Flood

Thanks to the “dollar days” of online content, we’re smack dab in the middle of a quality content drought. My vegas free coins. Your audience, aka that group of people made up of prospective buyers, is dying of thirst for high-quality copy. That’s why Google has pushed so hard to ensure that websites comprised of useful, highly relevant, and top-notch quality content are the first results search users see.

Unfortunately, the track record shows that platforms like Squidoo and HubPages have contributed to the drought. Moz’s Q&A forum holds a strong example of exactly why you shouldn’t waste your time with platforms like these. Marko poses his situation and asks if he should choose Squidoo or HubPages:

Three out of the four responders all agree that creating and attempting to construct content on crappy free for all’s like Squidoo or HubPages just isn’t the way to go. Instead, they encourage Marko to concentrate on creating informative and engaging content, the kind that’s useful to the customer. One responder even urges him not to feel “afraid of [linking] to outside sources.”

What’s the point? A “quick fix” publishing platform cannot replace an expertly crafted, high-quality, Panda-pleasing website stocked with strong content. Platforms like HubPages are generally not frequented by serious individuals interested in building a credible reputation.

If your goal is to grow your brand or business and earn credibility and authority in your industry, platforms like these are NOT the way to go, if only for the reason of HubPages Advantage 3 (anybody with no skills or understanding of anything can—and will—join). And let’s not even talk about how the lack of assurance encourages crappy content that the creator won’t care about should it disappear into the cyber version of the Bermuda Triangle.

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The recent announcement of HubPages acquiring Squidoo has certainly raised some eyebrows throughout the top resource sites for SEO education. Both Matt Southern of SearchEngineJournal and Barry Schwartz of Search Engine Land agree that the news is most interesting. Who knows? The acquisition and resulting merge just might result in a content publishing platform that’s more Google-friendly. But until that’s proven, it’s probably best to keep a safe distance and watch what happens.

Are Squidoo and HubPages worth it? Honestly? No. They’re not worth your time or attention. Your valuable time could be much better invested in learning how to create your own Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird friendly online presence. A presence that you will have the ultimate amount of control over; a presence that will only be limited by the boundaries of your creativity and passion.

Believe it or not, learning how to make it all happen isn’t rocket science. The fact that you will go the extra mile to learn, that alone will give you an edge over every single HubPage and soon to be disappearing Squidoo on the Internet, and THAT is well worth your time and every last bit of investment.

Julia McCoy is a serial content marketer, entrepreneur, and bestselling author. She founded a multi-million dollar content agency, Express Writers, with nothing more than $75 at 19 years old. Today, her team has nearly 100 expert content creators on staff, and serves thousands of clients around the world. She's earned her way to the top 30 worldwide content marketers, and has a passion for sharing what she knows in her books and in her online course, The Content Strategy & Marketing Course. Julia also hosts The Write Podcast on iTunes.

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Deutsche Version

Conversion and calculation − cross section < > diameter

Cable diameter to circle cross-sectional areaand vice versa ●

Round electric cable, conductor, wire, cord, string,wiring, and rope

Cross section is just a two-dimensional view of a slice through an object.
An often asked question: How can you convert the diameter of a round wire
d = 2 × r to the
circle cross section surface or the cross-section area
A (slice plane) to the cable diameter d?
Why is the diameter value greater than the area value? Because that's not the same.
Resistance varies inversely with the cross-sectional area of a wire.

The required cross-section of an electrical line depends on the following factors:
Rated voltage. Net form. (Three-phase (DS) / AC (WS))
Fuse - Upstream backup = Maximum permissible current (Amp)
3) On schedule to be transmitted
power (kVA)
Cable length in meters (m)
5) Permissible
voltage drop (% of the rated voltage)
Line material. Copper (Cu) or aluminum (Al)
The used browser does not support JavaScript.
You will see the program but the function will not work.

The 'unit' is usually millimeters but it can also be inches, feet, yards, meters (metres),
or centimeters, when you take for the area the square of that measure.

Litz wire (stranded wire) consisting of many thin wires need a 14 % larger diameter compared to a solid wire.

Cross sectional area is not diameter.

Cross section is an area.
Diameter is a linear measure.
That cannot be the same.

The cable diameter in millimeters
is not the cable cross-section in
square millimeters.

The cross section or the cross sectional area is the area of such a cut.
It need not necessarily have to be a circle.

Commercially available wire (cable) size as cross sectional area:
0.75 mm2, 1.5 mm2, 2.5 mm2, 4 mm2, 6 mm2, 10 mm2, 16 mm2.
Calculation of the cross section A, entering the diameter d = 2 r:
r = radius of the wire or cable
d = 2
r = diameter of the wire or cable

Calculation of the diameter d = 2 r, entering the cross section A:

The conductor (electric cable)

Squidoo 1 0 4 X 2

There are four factors that affect the resistance of a conductor:
1) the cross sectional area of a conductor
A, calculated from the diameter d
2) the length of the conductor
3) the temperature in the conductor
4) the material constituting the conductor

Squidoo 1 0 4 Conductor So Cord

There is no exact formula for the minimum wire size from the maximum amperage.
It depends on many circumstances, such as for example, if the calculation is for DC, AC or
even for three-phase current, whether the cable is released freely, or is placed under the
ground. Also, it depends on the ambient temperature, the allowable current density, and the
allowable voltage drop, and whether solid or litz wire is present. And there is always the
nice but unsatisfactory advice to use for security reasons a thicker and hence more
expensive cable. Common questions are about the voltage drop on wires.

Voltage drop Δ V

The voltage drop formula with the specific resistance (resistivity) ρ (rho) is:

Δ V = I × R = I × (2 × l × ρ/ A)

I = Current in ampere
l = Wire (cable) length in meters (times 2, because there is always a return wire)
ρ = rho, electrical resistivity (also known as specific electrical resistance or volume
resistivity) of copper = 0.01724 ohm×mm2/m (also Ω×m)
(Ohms for
l = 1 m length and A = 1 mm2 cross section area of the wire)ρ = 1 / σ
A = Cross section area in mm2
σ = sigma, electrical conductivity (electrical conductance) of copper = 58 S·m/mm2

Quantity of resistance
R = resistance Ω
ρ = specific resistance Ω×m
l = double length of the cable m
A = cross sectionmm2

The derived SI unit of electrical resistivity ρ is Ω ×m, shortened from the clear Ω ×mm² / m.
The reciprocal of electrical resistivity is electrical conductivity.

Electrical conductivity and electrical resistivity κ or σ = 1/ρ
Electrical conductance and electrical resistance
ρ = 1/κ = 1/σ

Electrical conductivity
Electrical conductance
Electrical resistivity
Specific resistance
silverσ = 62 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0161 Ohmmm²/m
copperσ = 58 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0172 Ohmmm²/m
goldσ= 41 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0244 Ohmmm²/m
aluminiumσ = 36 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.0277 Ohmmm²/m
constantanσ= 2.0 S·m/mm²ρ = 0.5000 Ohmmm²/m

Difference between electrical resistivity and electrical conductivity

Squidoo 1 0 4
The conductance in siemens is the reciprocal of the resistance in ohms.

To use the calculator, simply enter a value.
The calculator works in both directions of the sign.

The value of the electrical conductivity (conductance) and the specific electrical resistance
(resistivity) is a temperature dependent material constant. Mostly it is given at 20 or 25°C.

Resistance = resistivity x length / area

The specific resistivity of conductors changes with temperature.
In a limited temperature range it is approximately linear:
where α is the temperature coefficient, T is the temperature and T0 is any temperature,
such as T0 = 293.15 K = 20°C at which the electrical resistivity ρ (T0) is known.

Convert resistance to electrical conductance
Conversion of reciprocal siemens to ohms
1 ohm [Ω] = 1 / siemens [1/S]
1 siemens [S] = 1 / ohm [1/Ω]

To use the calculator, simply enter a value.
The calculator works in both directions of the sign.

1 millisiemens = 0.001 mho = 1000 ohms

Mathematically, conductance is the reciprocal, or inverse, of resistance:
The symbol for conductance is the capital letter 'G' and the unit is the
mho, which is 'ohm' spelled backwards. Later, the unit mho was
replaced by the unit Siemens − abbreviated with the letter 'S'.

Table of typical loudspeaker cables

Cable diameter d0.798 mm0.977 mm1.128 mm1.382 mm1.784 mm2.257 mm2.764 mm3.568 mm
Cable nominal cross section A0.5 mm20.75 mm21.0 mm21.5 mm22.5 mm24.0 mm26.0 mm210.0 mm2
Maximum electrical current3 A 7.6 A 10.4 A 13.5 A 18.3 A 25 A 32 A -

Always consider, the cross section must be made larger with higher power and higher length of
the cable, but also with lesser impedance. Here is a table to tell the possible power loss

Cable length
in m
in mm2
in ohm
Power loss at Damping factor at
8 ohm
4 ohm
8 ohm
4 ohm

The damping factor values show, what remains of an accepted damping factor of 200
depending on the cable length, the cross section, and the impedance of the loudspeaker.

Conversion and calculation of cable diameter to AWG
and AWG to cable diameter in mm - American Wire Gauge

The gauges we most commonly use are even numbers, such as 18, 16, 14, etc.
If you get an answer that is odd, such as 17, 19, etc., use the next lower even number.

AWG stands for American Wire Gauge and refers to the strength of wires.
These AWG numbers show the diameter and accordingly the cross section as a code.
They are only used in the USA. Sometimes you find AWG numbers also in catalogues
and technical data in Europe.

American Wire Gauge - AWG Chart

in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2
0.00130.00160.00200.00250.00290.00370.00490.00620.00810.010 0.013 0.016 0.020

in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2

in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2

in inch
Diameter (Ø)
in mm
Cross section
in mm2

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